Payroll Class Now Offered!

QuickTrainer is now offering a QuickBooks Payroll class every other month. Our first one is this month—January 28th. This class is for the QuickBooks user who wants to learn QuickBooks Payroll.

We begin our class time by ensuring we understand what each student hopes to gain from their QuickBooks class. If you have specific areas of interest, we’ll be sure to cover those areas. While learning QuickBooks, we build a “faux” company based on the students present during that days class, ensuring we cover the facets of their specific business.

Sign Up Now and Enjoy These and Other Benefits You’ll Receive From Our QuickBooks Payroll Class!

What You Can Expect To Learn In Our Payroll Class…

  • Setting up payroll items the right way
  • Setting up Employees
  • Setting up payroll schedules
  • Paying payroll liabilities (again, the right way)
  • When and where do I pay my payroll liabilties?

Frequently asked Questions

Q. What time does the payroll class begin and end?
A. Our Payroll Class begins at 9:00 AM and typically concludes ~1:00 PM, but we’ll stay
until your last question is answered.

Q. Where is your payroll class taught?
A. Our classes are taught, primarily, at The Connection Internet Cafe, located at 250 Racine
Drive, Wilmington, NC. The Connection has a nice conference room, great food and
beverage and is simply a cool place to hang out anytime.

Q. Do I need my own computer and QuickBooks software to take this payroll class?
A. No. QuickTrainer provides each student a laptop computer, pre-loaded with the QuickBooks
software. This will be your computer for the day while in class. We also provide you a nice
environment and a “comfy” chair to sit while taking our class.

Q. What happens if I have questions post-class?
A. QuickTrainer prides itself on the fact we never nickel and dime our clients. If you need to call
or email us with a few questions, you’ll never see an invoice from us. Obviously, if you have
questions daily, we probably need to have another conversation.

Q. Do you cover other areas of QuickBooks in this payroll?
A. No. This class deals with QuickBooks payroll and will only touch on those areas specific to implementing and conducting payroll. If you have a desire to learn the additional functionality of QuickBooks, we highly recommend our QuickBooks Class.


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