Mission Trip to Buffalo, NY

Our oldest daughter, Makayla, is going on a mission trip to Buffalo, NY this summer. Thank you for reading her letter to see how you can help her.

Dear family and friends,

I am excited to tell you about an opportunity I have to go on a short term mission’s trip this coming July 23rd-July 31st, 2011.

I am going with Southside Baptist Church along with several other church partners. We will be ministering in Buffalo, NY, and New York City, NY, and we will be involved in evangelism and mercy ministry: working with children in urban neighborhoods, assisting a local church plant in Buffalo, New York through neighborhood VBS and a creative, evangelistic Block Party Outreach as well as ministering to the homeless on the street in New York City distributing food, clothing, book bags, blankets, Bibles, and the gospel of Jesus.  We will also incur fuel and transportation costs getting to our destinations.

Buffalo, NY is a city with amazing people who have numerous needs. A disproportionate number of children are born out of wedlock; poverty is rampant, with Buffalo being the second poorest city in the U.S., with the average income right at the poverty line. There are too many needs to count for the homeless of New York City, yet such needs include clothing, food, but most importantly eternal hope found in a relationship with Christ. 1st John 3:17 says, "But whoever has the world's goods and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?"

I am excited to be a small part of bringing Christ's love to the people of Buffalo and New York City, and I know that I will be blessed as well!

If you would like to partner with me in this mission, there are a few things you can do. First, you can pray! Pray that the people we come in contact with will feel God's love through us and that we will make an impact for the kingdom. Also, pray for the many needs of Buffalo and New York City that I have expressed above. Another way you can help me is of course financially. I need to raise $600.00 by my deadline of May 1st, 2011. No amount is too small and definitely not too large!

If you would like to help support me in this mission, you may write a check and mail it in the self addressed envelope provided. Checks can be made out to Southside Baptist Church with "Youth" as the memo. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and thank you in advance for your support!

In His love,

Makayla Merritt
